11 Positions of a Model Swing: Position 1
This is the first of a series of key swing positions that allow you to match your own swing to the model to see how it stacks up. The model assumes a right handed golfer who is hitting a straight shot. Deviations are either [1] destructive and require immediate attention [2] minor and can be deferred or [3] idiosyncrasies that can be well tolerated.
In the model your head is in the middle of your shoulders with the chin up off the chest so your eyes peek at the ball. The eye-line is parallel to the target line.
Arrange your shoulders square to the target line: for the irons, the front shoulder and back are almost level and the foot pressure is 50/50; with the driver, the back shoulder is lower with a 70/30 distribution. It appears as if the golfer is attempting to touch shoulder blades. The spine has a neutral attitude.
The hips with the irons are square [slight open] and level [or slight right tilt]. With the driver the lead hip is a bit higher. The spine also has a slight bias to the right with the driver. That bias disappears with the irons.
The knees are parallel to the target line and slightly flexed, about the same amount as when taking a step. The feet are flared the same amount between 10 to 20 degrees. The weight is distributed from the ball of the foot back thru the heel with the major pressure along the arch. The feet are parallel to the target line as determined by the heels, not the toes.
The spine at address is tilted from vertical approximately 15 to 30
degrees toward the ball while the pelvis is tilted forward at address
about 20 degrees. When standing normally the pelvis in usually tilted
forward about 12 to 14 degrees; so an additional 8 to 10 degrees is
added in golf posture.
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