Sunday, January 8, 2012

Number 6

Position 6:

 This is the sixth in a series of key swing positions that allow you to match your swing to a pro swing model to see how it stacks up. The model assumes a right handed golfer who is hitting a straight shot.

The sequence that controls the transference of power is at the halfway point when the lead arm is parallel with the ground. Here the pelvis reaches its maximum rotational velocity by passing its energy to the thorax, then as the thorax (shoulders) picks up the core’s energy; the thorax reaches its own maximum velocity and in turn passes the energy along to the lead arm as shown below. In world class golfers, at the beginning of the downswing the pelvis tips forward toward the ground as the golfer “squats down” and arches the back slightly. This leg posture reminds of horseback riding without the horse.

When you are in a good position in # 6 [lead arm parallel] it is very difficult to screw up impact, so pose in the mirror until you have #6 perfect. Note that Matteson is on the inside rim of his right foot with the heel off the ground indicating that most of his weight has been shifted to his left foot. Both knees are flexed and the clubshaft is below his back shoulder and pointing at the target line, an indication that his swing is on the plane angle it’s supposed to be. 


Our model has his pelvis cocked and ready to fire toward the target. His weight is left and his left knee is over the ball of his foot. At impact his left leg will snap straight as will his pelvis-- and that spells power.

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